Fresh News

Miley Cyrus Scandal : Miley Cyrus boyfriend get condom for FREE??

Miley Cyrus says she wants to be taken more seriously by an adult audience, but LifeStyles Condoms wants to harness Cyrus' appeal to her younger audience ... by encouraging tweens to embrace safe sex.


The prophylactic peddler wants the 15-year-old singing sensation (who has professed that she will be a virgin until she gets married) to be its new spokesperson and is willing to offer Cyrus $1 million to shill its brand.

"Pop culture proves that teens are more ready than ever to disuss the subject of sex," said Carol Carrozza, VP of marketing for LifeStyles. "With recent reports showing that one out of four teenage girls has an STD and the high level of teenage pregnancy, we believe that Miley is both influential and relatable to this afflicted set - and is the obvious choice to get the message of safe sex out to teens across America."

A rep for Cyrus says the teen has not been approached with the company's offer yet, but that it is something her and her camp would never consider.

LifeStyles is also generously offering Miley a lifetime supply of condoms for "whenever she decides the time is right."

Maybe Trojan could recruit the Jonas Brothers and give a whole new meaning to the term "promise ring."

Miley Cyrus Scandal : Miley Cyrus boyfriend get condom for FREE??